
Rag News: September 2020


El Salvador Reopens All Businesses

Throughout this pandemic, El Salvador has endured one of the strictest lockdowns in Latin America. On March 14th, El Salvador declared a state of emergency. As a result, the circulation of people was prohibited. In fact, Salvadorians were not allowed to leave their homes under any circumstances, unless they were going to the grocery store. On August 24th, the Salvadorian government announced the reopening of all businesses. Nevertheless,  the government recommends businesses and people to act responsibly in order to contain the spread of the virus.

The local Thrift Stores have re-opened their doors to their customers. However, as expected, the foot traffic is significantly lower compared with the pre-pandemic numbers. Through it all, Thrift Stores are fighting the good fight. Trying to put in place measures to maintain social distance and encouraging people to wear masks within the store. Bank & Vogue will be there to support all their partners during such difficult times. In fact, Bank & Vogue is optimistic about the future of Thrift Stores in El Salvador. As Salvadorians return to work, the demand is expected to rise weekly.


Kenya lifts ban on Used Clothing



At the beginning of the pandemic the Kenyan government placed a ban on used clothing imports. Subsequently, this ban has now been lifted with some new protocols and restrictions in place. Some of the new protocols include, fumigating and cleaning all used clothing and shoes before bailing. Additionally, all imports must undergo a physical examination and certification under the PVoC requirements. Finally, the bale size has been reduced from 45kg to 30kg. To read more click here.

The return of the Kenyan market is expected to increase the demand for Used Clothes, specifically Mixed Rags.

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