Kitchen items
We buy and sell large bulk shipments
of used kitchenware and metalware.
trusted used item brokers
Used Kitchenware & Metalware Wholesalers
Used kitchenware and metalware include products that due to the sorting process, are not as available as they are in demand. We work with dozens of sellers that separate this product for the export market. We are always looking to build new relationships with used kitchenware and metalware sellers to further deepen our reach in this category.
Contact us today if you are interested in taking the big step of becoming a kitchenware and metalware seller. We are always looking to expand our roster of sellers in order to meet consumer needs.

Kitchen items we buy and sell
What Is Kitchenware
& Metalware?
Kitchenware and metalware include products that have steel, copper plating, aluminum, iron or cast iron included in the design. These items include pots, pans, cutlery, skillets, baking pans, griddles, tins, and some home decor. Kitchenware and metalware do not include wire hangers. Any metal toys, electric appliances and curtain rods.
We ensure that all of our kitchenware and metalware are packaged in cal sacks to keep them safe, and our targeted minimum shipment weight is 25,000 pounds. Contact Bank & Vogue today to place your bulk kitchenware and metalware orders today.
Can you imagine a world where the textiles industry is circular?
We did.
Helping The Environment
Reselling Used Items
To Avoid Landfills
Over the last 15-20 years, all of us as a society have shifted away from the idea of passing kitchenwares, clothing etc. from generation to generation. We have developed into more of a throw-away society, and don’t take the time to take proper care of our older wares after very minimal periods of use. This is having a detrimental effect on the global environment, and steps must be taken to correct this before it is too late.
The popularization of throw-away culture has led to landfills being piled with hundreds of thousands of tons of kitchenware, metalware, and other non-biodegradable items. This has become known to us as the crisis of stuff. Kitchenware and metalware have become a significant contributor to this crisis. Here at Bank & Vogue, we facilitate the purchase of these items, which in turn keeps them out of landfills.

Experts In Re-Sale
Retail Consulting Services
Bank & Vogue can help your business accomplish the following goals:
- Leverage technology to increase your understanding of product yield
- Source the right products for the right season
Develop efficient and cost-effective product sorting and pricing methods - Leverage social media and other marketing opportunities to drive more traffic to your store
Our team of trained experts is accomplished when it comes to retail consulting services. In order to help contribute to the circular economy, we strive to help businesses find the highest value solution for unlocking the full potential of secondhand clothing. If you are looking to purchase wholesale store returns, contact us today to get started.