These are shoe shipments collected by private collectors through donations. Bank and Vogue ensures that these shoes are 100% credential, meaning they have not been touched or sorted. This product includes wearable paired shoes, dress shoes, sneakers, boots, athletic shoes, etc. On average, our suppliers load 35,000 lbs in 350 lbs bags for export
These are shoe shipments collected by nonprofit organizations through donations. These institutional shoes have been sorted and sold at retail stores for a period of 6 to 12 weeks. Once the retail sales cycle is complete, this inventory is returned to the warehouse; this is where it will be packaged in capsacks or gaylords for wholesale. On average, our suppliers load 35,000 lbs of institutional shoes in 350 lbs capsacks or 20,000 lbs in 500 lbs gaylords within 40’ High Cube containers.
These are shipments of unpaired shoes, so we cannot guarantee that the correct pair will be found in the same load. They are usually produced by nonprofit organizations and graders. Single shoes are in high demand due to its low cost, particularly by customers with large warehouses and abundant labor. On average, our suppliers load 35,000 lbs of single shoes in 350 lbs capsacks bags or 20,000 lbs in 500 lbs gaylords within 40’ High Cube containers.