Used Toys & baby items
Bank & vogue has one of North America’s largest available store returns from top North American retailers.
Toys Store Returns & Overstock
Wholesale Used
Store Return Toys
Our store return toys include returns, as well as items that are overstock or out of season. This ensures toys are in good, working condition, making them perfect for wholesale resale. Toys include cars, dolls, games, stuffed animals, and more. When the toys are processed, damaged or unusable items are removed from the load.
All loads about palletized and shrink-wrapped for safe and easy transportation. All products must be exported directly from our North American pick-up locations. Our toy and baby items are not exportable to all countries. Our team will work with you to confirm the requirements. Get in touch with the Bank & Vogue team to purchase good condition wholesale toys for your business.

Used Baby Products
Bulk Store Returned
Baby Items
Returned baby items are available from the same supplier as our toy returns. Baby items include clothing, walkers, strollers, swings, bassinets, and more. We’re committed to only buying and selling the highest quality items to ensure that the families and infants using these items are safe.
When loads are packaged, medication and food items are removed. All returned baby items must be exported from the U.S. with similar export restrictions as the toy return products. Each load includes twenty shrink-wrapped pallets, plus loose items on top. Contact our team at Bank & Vogue to get started on securing wholesale store return baby products.