For over 30 years, we have believed that a more sustainable and circular approach to fashion is possible.
This year we’re starting a journey to put those beliefs into clear policies, set science-based targets to reduce carbon, and formalize our approach to creating decent work in our business and supply chains.
We believe that by setting ambitious sustainability targets and operating transparently, we can help transform the industry and build confidence that a more circular approach is possible at scale.
Scroll down to learn more about our goals.

Leaders in
circular economy
We support the entire technical cycle
in the circular economy –
reuse, repair, remanufacture, and recycling

to Decarbonize
We’re working to reduce our Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions to a level that helps keep global warming below 1.5C.

Decent work in our
Operations and Supply Chain
We work hard to ensure that our direct operations fully respect human rights and we work with our suppliers and take collective action to address human rights risks in our supply chain and industry overall.

Leaders in Circular Economy
We support the entire technical cycle in the circular economy – reuse, repair, remanufacture, and recycling. The take-make-waste disposable economy is killing our planet. Keeping clothing in use longer helps to retain the maximum possible value for that article of clothing. We work to convince the big players in the industry that re-use and remanufacture is possible at scale.
We know that by working together through the value chain, we can make this transformation happen. It took decades to build supply chain transparency and traceability for virgin products, and the players in the supply chain will need to invest to bring the circular fashion concept to reality.

We will divert over 1.5 billion items from landfill by 2025.

We change what we can and take collective
action to influence the entire industry.

We solve the crisis of stuff by keeping garments in use for more of their lifecycle.

We are working hard to champion the philosophy of reuse, repair, remanufacture and recycling in the garment industry.
“We work to convince the big players in the industry that re-use and remanufactureis possible at scale.”

Science-based Targets to Decarbonize
In line with guidance from experts, we’re working to reduce our scope 1 and scope 2 emissions to a level that helps keep global warming below 1.5C. Once we have measured our baseline, we will create a roadmap to reduce our scope 1 and 2 emissions by 50% in the near term.
Additionally, we are taking steps to address our scope 3 emissions. We recognize that emissions from transporting used goods is an important source of carbon emissions in our business, and we are actively collaborating with others to find lower-carbon solutions.

We’re working to measure our baseline carbon emissions in our direct operations, our purchased electricity and our upstream and downstream business.

We are serious about climate change and set our carbon reduction targets based on science, not hype.

We are prioritizing emission reductions and renewable energy in our direct operations where we have most control.

We’re partnering with experts to measure our carbon emissions and prioritize action.
We’re working collectively to find lower-carbon solutions for transporting used goods

Decent work in our Operations and Supply Chain
We work hard to ensure that our direct operations fully respect human rights, and we recognize that there are risks in some of the markets where our suppliers are located. When our team members are present in a supplier’s facilities, suppliers sign a code of conduct and agree to protect human rights.
However, we recognize that our influence is limited when we act alone. Therefore, we take collective action with other players in our industry to improve human rights and working conditions in operations where we have little direct control.

We have always believed in respect for our people and protecting human rights. Our new policies put those beliefs into clear commitments and help us clearly communicate these standards to suppliers and partners.

We have grown an international business based on the belief that ethical business practices make good business sense. Our new Code of Conduct makes these expectations clear to our Team Members and Leaders.

We take a zero tolerance approach to child labour and modern slavery in our operations and supply chains and empower our team to report any concerns.

We assess the human rights risks of our suppliersand work with our suppliers to improve conditions.
“We take collective action with other players in our industry to improve human rights and working conditions”