The Benefits of Shopping the Thrifty Way (for Shoppers and for Thrift Shops)

Woman browses vintage clothing for sale

Thrifty shoppers are always looking for great bargains and the best deals. It might then come as no surprise that the best location to find those two things are in your local thrift stores and consignment shops! Thrift stores have become a viable alternative to big box stores and malls where the items may be […]

Rag News: January 2018

Salvation Army used clothing donation centre

Securing Used Goods Donations Under the Tax Cuts Act 2018 The new tax law means less taxpayers will use itemized deductions for their used clothing donations to charitable thrift stores. In order to offset the possibility of lower donation flow in both cash and material goods, charities must take their mission message to their communities […]

Reducing Waste through Repurposing Vintage Items

Recycled yarn used for embroidery Bank & Vogue

For some buyers, once an item, fabric, or accessory has outlived its purpose or the fashion of the period — it becomes useless and worthy of only one place: the trash. For others, repurposing vintage items, especially those that have value, can be an expensive venture. Not only might it be costly to remake antiques […]

What You Need To Know About Credential Clothing

Bagged credential clothing for wholesale

    In early November 2017, Emily Farra of Vogue Magazine reported that even those in the high fashion industry see the value in the used clothing market particularly as it relates to the environment. “If you’re concerned with the billions of brand-new clothing items being produced each year (and you most definitely should be), […]

Rag News: December 2017

thrift store warehouse

Tools of the Trade for Thrift Stores In order to maximize salvage revenue, a thrift store needs to have the best equipment for packaging and storing salvage product for a full 53’ trailer or 40’ HC container load. The following is a list of the required tools that can’t be missed in any warehouse: Baling […]

What You Need to Know About Purchasing A New Pair of Vintage Shoes

Assorted used vintage and second hand shoes for sale

It is true that the older the shoe, the more likely there may be damages or fragile fabric that is ready to split and tear — and therefore in need of inspection, repair and correction. However, like most vintage fashions, “worn” doesn’t mean “worn out.” This is why its always a good idea to check […]

Rag News: November 2017

Man stands in full warehouse of used credential clothing

Creative Ideas To Expand Your Thrift donation We all know that donation volumes and frequency will drop with colder weather and holiday consumerism. Resourcefulness is key to finding ways to expand your donation base. Here are a few ideas: Hold holiday or post-holiday clothing drives at your store or at your charity offices. Contact other […]

Buying and Supplying in the Vintage Clothing Market

Two girls in vintage clothing pose Bank & Vogue

According to Ecomdash, in order to enter the secondhand clothing market, wholesalers and retailers need to have a working understanding of their purpose for entering the market. Whether it is to supplement one’s existing income, generate a new business, or help solve the “crisis of stuff” — as is our intention at Bank & Vogue. […]

Being a Responsible Consumer: The Art of Textile Recycling

Woman with bags in shopping mall Bank & Vogue

Do you ever make a visit to your local mall and feel a boost of adrenaline and excitement as your feet hit the shopping pavement? How about when you are lucky enough to find that elusive deal at the sales rack stored way back in a shop’s corner? Many shoppers report a similar excitement while […]

Buy Vintage: Responding to the Problem of Textile Waste

Nearly half of all North Americans, 46 percent to be specific, claim that they have “way too much stuff” in their closets. Whether your clothes are gathering dust in attics, in the back of your deep closets, or in a set of boxes, your clothes may no longer have use to you but there are […]