Familiarizing Yourself with the Credential Clothing Market and Its Value

credential clothing in a landfill

Experts estimate that in the United States, the annual average of waste per US citizen amounts to nearly 70 pounds of clothing and textiles. According to Professor Tasha Lewis of the Department of Fiber Science & Apparel Design at Cornell University, the fashion industry’s production, manufacturing and marketing phases have a huge, and particularly negative […]

Making Alternative Use of Mixed Rag Options

shopping for clothing in a mall

Experts of the ‘mixed rags’ market indicate in the United States alone, nearly 10.5 million tons – or nearly 70 pounds per U.S. citizen – of textiles go to waste annually. The reason for this, experts argue, is in large part due to the rise of “fast fashion.” This fashion trend, one that is quite […]

Turning Your Halloween Items Into Credential Gold

halloween credential clothing costumes

Once all the candy has been given away and unwrapped, and the Halloween decorations have been taken down and stored, many parents wonder what they should do with their home-made and store purchased costumes. Many parents recognize that their children will likely not get excited to re-wear the same costume for next year’s Halloween festivities. […]

The Urgency Of Improving Textile Recycling

textile recycling

More and more reports of the wasteful nature of the fashion industry are rising and people are taking notice. Governments are calling for accountability from the top brands as the facts behind the immense waste made by modern fashion producers are coming to light. There are also calls to focus on more efficient recycling methods. […]

Rag News: November 2018

bundle of denim

  Denim, What Can We Do With It? Denim is, by definition, a material designed to last. Jacob W. Davis proved it right when he made the first pair of denim jeans back in 1873, after receiving an special order from a female customer who wanted a pair of durable pants for her husband to […]

Credential Clothing For Those in Crisis

volunteer sorting through donation bin

In the early fall 2018, a number of Ottawa-Gatineau residents were struck by tragedy following six devastating tornadoes that ripped through the capital region. Following the devastation, residents struggled to rebuild their lives as they awaited information from their insurance providers and the Red Cross stepped in to help tornado victims recover their losses. In […]

Clothing & Reaching The UN’s Climate Goals

factory smoke in a city

The UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) recently published their special report on global warming and the news is not good. It states the world’s climate is almost at a stage where the issue would be irreversible, causing incalculable changes to the ecosystem worldwide. The report calls on all countries to work towards renewable […]

Rag News: October 2018

recycled items

Winter in the Thrift World Traditionally speaking -December, January, February and March are the months in which credential clothing & bric brac are most in demand. This is also the time of year where these commodities are the hardest to come by. Weather plays a huge factor in peoples’ willingness and ability to donate, and […]

The Modern State of the Mixed Rag Market

bags of old clothing

What happens when nearly half of all North Americans – that is, approximately 46 percent – claim that they have “way too much stuff” in their closets? Many studies show that a great number of consumers are actively finding solutions to address the over-accumulation of materials in their closets. Millenials in particular appear to be […]

Rag News: September 2018

shipping crates

Global Trade Tariffs, NAFTA, and Used Clothing Much has been said lately about the U.S. Administration’s strategy on global trade and its trade policy. No one seems to have a clear sense whether that would have a direct impact on the used clothing sector. Maybe because the truth is there’s a lot up in the […]