Rag News: February 2019

denim repair

  Artistic Repair of Denim Repairing denim at scale is similar to triage in the emergency room. First the jeans are categorized into categories of how they need to be repaired. The following are the main five categories: Repairs along the pocket Small hole in the upper thigh Hole on the upper part Hole on […]

The Worldwide Journey of Credential Clothing

thank you for donating your old clothing

  Nearly two decades into the 21st century, we find ourselves in an increasingly smaller world. Air travel spanning the globe has become commonplace, while people think nothing of being on one continent today and another tomorrow. Likewise for the products we consume. Very rarely these days are we wearing or using something that was […]

Groundbreaking Project to Prove that Fashion Can Be Circular

recycling denim

  Beyond Retro, the leading European vintage retailer, and parent company Bank & Vogue, are excited to be closing the loop with an innovative project in partnership with Swedish chemical recycling company re:newcell, that will turn post-consumer denim into a new, recycled fibre at industrial scale.   The partnership has developed from a groundbreaking project […]

Definitions and Visions for the New Year

New Year's resolution clear out old clothing

  It’s the New Year, 2019, and that presents us with a great time to go over some of the basics of what we do here at Bank & Vogue. In this article we’ll define some of the terms you’ll often see and hear bandied about in our industry, and talk a little about the […]

Rag News: January 2019

Vintage clothing store showing denim

  The Vintage Side of Discarded Denim Imagine, if one day you go back to your parents’ house and decide to help them with their cleaning. You open a dusty old trunk and you find a bunch of denim clothing inside. Here they are, your father’s bell-bottoms jeans from the 80’s; and this hippy denim […]

New Year’s Resolutions for Fighting the Crisis of Stuff

happy new year

  At Bank & Vogue, we work to ensure that we are doing our part to help find solutions to the “crisis of stuff” that the world is experiencing everyday. We have talked about how the fashion industry is incredibly wasteful before, so finding ways to improve the longevity of textiles, in addition to used […]

The Benefit of Credential Clothing For Vintage Retailers

credential clothing at a vintage retailer

For vintage retailers, the search for valuable and unique finds is always at the forefront of their economic strategy. After all, the most important quality of a vintage shop – that is, what shoppers are most looking for – is the uniqueness of the finds on their shelves, and the ability that a vintage shop […]

How Credential Clothing Is Unique In The Wholesale Industry

unique credential clothing

When people think about used, bulk, or wholesale clothing, they typically don’t associate quality, designer, or valuable items with it. However, when it comes to credential clothing, which refers to unsorted and untouched donated goods (in the state they were donated in), it can be quite the opposite. Because these bags are sold to buyers […]

Rag News: December 2018

pre-owned denim

  Extra-Large Size Denim Items, How to Recycle Them? Every textile recycler aims to achieve zero waste. The ultimate goal is to prevent every garment from going to landfill. That is not always an easy task. For example, denim jeans are donated to your organization. You extend the life cycle of these jeans by putting […]

The Solution to the Fast Fashion Crisis

donation bins

With the rise of the “fast fashion” industry, consumers have increasingly bought more materials and donated in much greater numbers than ever before. In the United States, Americans are estimated to donate nearly 5 billion pounds of clothing, shoes, and miscellaneous materials each calendar year. But consumers also produce a significant amount of waste – […]