What Happens to Your Unwanted Clothing, Shoes & Toys?
How often do you buy new clothing, shoes, and toys for you and your children? What happens when the fashion trends change, your child outgrows their almost brand-new shoes, and their gently used toys become boring? Most people simply throw away their used clothing and other items, and never give it a second thought. […]
Rag News: June 2019
The Circular Economy Applied to Denim In the circular economy model, we keep denim in use for as long as possible, extract the maximum value from it during use, then recover garments and fibers at the end of each service life. The circular economy of denim rests on three principles: Preserve natural capital by […]
Environmental Benefits of Donating Clothing: Do Something Good for You, for Others, and for the Environment
In the age of social media fashionistas and beauty gurus, it’s easy to get caught up in the thrill of the hunt for the latest rags. Last year’s outfits linger on in the dark side of the closet until they form a looming pile of fashion faux pas eating up all your free space. This […]
Spring Cleaning: How to Donate Used Clothing & Other Goods
Springtime brings all kinds of ideas and possibilities. Something that’s become a pastime is the ritual of spring cleaning. A good “Spring Cleaning” can occur any time of year, of course. It’s just a matter of making the time, having the will and getting your home organized. Part of this often includes gathering up used […]
Circular Economy: What We Stand to Lose & How the Fashion Industry Can Help
It’s not dramatization to say that the world is facing a crisis. Industries and consumers alike have been neglecting the environment for so long now that, unless immediate steps are taken, we’re bound to suffer the consequences sooner rather than later. Currently, the world produces over 1.3 billion tons of waste annually. This number […]
Used Goods & Mixed Rags: If You’re Not Using It, Put It Back into Circulation
Most of the world is living in a consumer society at the moment. Don’t get us wrong, it has its upside – we’ve built a global economy that keeps growing and improving the lives of the average person. Still, this fast-paced consumer society produces more goods than we can use to the fullest. And that […]
How Mixed Rags Are Prepared for Safe Further Distribution
The fashion industry is known for having a huge effect on the environment, and too often not in a good way. Almost 20% of global waste is produced by the fashion industry. The news isn’t all doom and gloom, however; luckily there’s light at the end of the tunnel. Second-hand clothing, used clothing, mixed rags, […]
What Happens When Wholesale Used Clothing Is Shipped Overseas
The beauty of a circular economy lies in its ability to breathe new life into old things. This is especially true when it comes to wholesale used clothing, mixed rags, and credential clothing that is shipped overseas. In their lifespan, the clothes usually end up journeying around the world – being manufactured in one country, […]
Companies Making Waves in the Circular Economy
Recent years have seen a growing concern for the environment and the impact that countless industries have on it. Traditionally, only a few industries around the world have shown interest in protecting our environment, with others focusing predominantly on increasing their revenue without regard for consequence. There’s been a paradigm shift, however. More and […]
How Used Clothing Is Sorted & Graded – The Journey of Credential Clothing & Mixed Rags
Wholesale used clothing goes through a rigorous process of sorting and grading, and it’s a time-consuming task that’s of the utmost importance. Before all those mixed rags, credential clothing, and more can be resold and start the second stage of their life sparking joy in a new person, they need to go through quality […]